About the Educational Project
The educational project is a strategic tool through which an educational institution can define and communicate to the educational community the policy orientations, the action priorities, and the expected results to ensure the educational success for all students, in both the youth and adult sectors. It reflects the characteristics and needs of the students who attend the educational institution and the expectations expressed in the community in terms of education. Resulting from a consensus, the educational project is prepared and implemented through the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders concerned with the institution: students, parents, teachers and other staff members (daycare service, secretary, etc.), as well as the community and school board representatives.
Link to Educational Project Greater Gatineau School 2019-2022 – update 2022-2023
School Profile
Mission: To develop lifelong learners in a knowledge-based society while respecting each individual’s right to equal/equitable education while ensuring conditions that allow the child to reach their maximum potential.
Grades: Kindergarten to cycle 3 Elementary (K-6)
School size: Approximately 500 students
Motto: Every student, every day, a success in our community
French Classes (Core and Enriched)
Focus on literacy and numeracy skills
Ethics and religious cultures
Physical Education
Outdoor Education Program
Technology: Chromebooks, iPads, Smartboards, Robotics, Coding
Daycare (before and after school)
Resource small group instruction
Accommodations for Special Needs
Peace Learning Circles School
Anti-Bullying/Anti-Violence Program
Student Success/Social Skills Program
Mentoring Program
Free Breakfast and Milk Program
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach
Tracking and reporting on individual success
Hot Meal and Pizza Program
Gender neutral bathrooms
Coding Club
Art Club
Cribbage Club
Lego Club
Organized Sports -Basketball, Volleyball, Softball, Soccer, Cross-Country and Touch Football
Stunting and Gymnastics Club
Drama Club
Champions for Life
School Newspaper Club
Photography Club
AV “Tech Crew” Club
Destination Imagination
Power Play
Walking Club
Yoga Club
Alternate Recess Activities
Playground Leadership Program (PALS)
Breakfast Program Club
Grade Six Girls Club
Talent show
Virtue Awards Assemblies with student performances
Terry Fox Run, Jump Rope for Heart
Remembrance Day Ceremony
Home & School monthly events (movie nights, dances, Carnival, Corn Roast)
Music Makers
Drama Productions
Winter Fun Day
Cultural Outings
Theatre Group Performances at School
“Peace Learning Circles” Day
Grade Six Graduation
Kindergarten Open House
Grade 6 Transition to High School visits and guest speakers
School Context
- High rate of bilingualism
- Cohesive staff
- The level of staff involvement
- Extra-curricular activities
- Sharing of resources, meeting, discussing, informal mentoring
- Growth of challenging students in a positive way
- Learning support services available to students (resource, attendants, alternative programming, volunteers, SLP)
- Technology
- Relationships between staff and students
- Positive school culture
- High expectations for students
- Anti-Violence and Bullying Prevention Plan
- Strong Home and School helps address the lack of community due to territorial factors
- Inclusive school – students who transfer to our school out of enclosed classroom settings tend to meet with success
- Breakfast program, supporting students in need (costumes, clothes, angel tree, food donations)
- School climate – tone, friendly staff
- Diverse range of ages and experience levels in staff
- High need for speech language services
- Repeated behaviour by certain students, particularly when parent support is lacking
- Lack of parental support for high risk students
- Tardiness
- Our huge school territory
- Lack of physical space with a growing population
- High level of special needs – the percentage of students with handicaps, social maladjustments or learning difficulties.
- High needs have increased
Internal Factors
- Level of staff involvement
External Factors
- The type or level of support or guidance that parent provide for their children
- Family status
- Low income and socio economic environments